Family Peace
Family Peace Ministry educates archdiocesan first responders on ways to prevent family abuse and promote family peace.

About the Program
The ministry trains people to learn to recognize the symptoms of domestic violence, respond with compassion and refer survivors to agencies that help.
Contact Information
Ministering to Families Living with Domestic Violence

A presentation by Laura Yeomans
Break the Silence, Break the Cycle, Begin the Healing
The mission and goals of the ministry are to train people to learn to recognize the symptoms of domestic violence, respond with compassion, and refer survivors to agencies that help.
What is Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence is actions and words that use fear, intimidation, and abuse to control and hurt an intimate partner. Abuse may be emotional, financial, physical or sexual.
Catholic Teaching and Response
The Catholic parish community can provide compassionate assistance. Faith responses focus on safety and healing. Access resources and guides explaining Catholic teaching and response to domestic violence.
Teenage Dating Violence Resources
Healthy Teen Relationships
Break The Cycle
Everyone deserves a healthy relationship. Learn more.
Dating Matters
Catholic Charities D.C. Domestic Violence Outreach Training Video

This training covers how domestic violence works, its effects and forms, and highlighting valuable resources.
Catholic Charities Domestic Violence Outreach Team Training Video

This video of a team training gives critical insight into domestic violence factors and techniques for responders.
Parish Outreach Material
For each county we have materials parishes can use to educate parishioners about resources to help families suffering domestic abuse: restroom flyers, posters, and half-page resource lists.
Emergency Resources
Domestic violence resources exist in each county, ready to aid survivors in need. Find resources in your area for domestic violence and general resource lists showing agencies that provide food, shelter, or utility assistance by clicking here.
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Use Our Program Finder Option
If you haven’t found the help you need, use our service finder. Our extended search function will give you access to comprehensive information about our services nearest to you.
Need Help? We Are Here For You
Our services are available to anyone regardless of race, religion, orientation or status. We offer access to food, a warm place to rest and attention to physical and mental needs through eight areas of care: