
Meet the Enzler Society: Bryan Petrich

by bbdeveloper | February 10, 2020

This is the last in the series of profiles of officers in the Enzler Society, a group of young professionals and emerging philanthropists who support the mission of Catholic Charities through volunteerism and networking.

Bryan Petrich, networking

Hometown: Evergreen, Co.

Occupation: Strategic Communications Professional

long have you served with the Enzler Society?
Two years

Why did you join the Enzler Society? I joined the Enzler Society to give back to our DC community and expand my local network of young Catholic professionals. I was also drawn to ES by the partnership with the Youth Transitional Program, which allows us to help some great young men overcome transitional homelessness and get their lives back on track.

your favorite Enzler Society activity?
most rewarding activity for me has been working with the young men from YTP on
basic professional development, whether it’s resume writing, mock interviews,
or just helping them brainstorm potential job opportunities to pursue.

your favorite memory?
My favorite memory
has been going on a private tour of the National Portrait Gallery with the guys
from YTP. Most of the guys had never been to the museum despite growing up or
spending several years in D.C. It was great to share that culturally enriching
experience with them.

are you looking forward to in 2020
most looking forward to working with YTP on job placement and career
opportunities. Anything we can do to help these young men find meaningful
employment can really change their lives for the better.

For information about joining the Enzler
Society, visit our

Previous Enzler Society profiles:

  • Volunteerism as a Family Tradition
  • Helping Clients Prepare for Jobs
  • Empowerment Through Fun Experiences
  • Improving Lives Through Creative Engagement