Kennedy School
The school at the Catholic Charities Education Center is a non-public day school for children ages six to 22 with disabilities.

About the Program
The Kennedy School specializes in serving students with autism, intellectual disabilities, emotional disabilities, learning disabilities and traumatic brain injuries. A small classroom, team-based approach is used with no more than seven students in each class and no less than three staff members per class. We support our students holistically, through behavioral and social emotional counseling and support, serious academic intervention focusing on mathematics and reading, internships that focus on employment and vocational skills, and physical education that promotes a healthy lifestyle. Students receive a type of education that prepares them for a lifetime of learning.
Our Mission
Our mission is to develop students with developmental differences with active and creative minds, a sense of understanding and compassion for others, and the courage to self-advocate for themselves. We stress the total development of each student: spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, emotional and physical. We seek to encourage post-secondary education, post-school employment and endless possibilities of living a life with purpose and passion.
The Conway Education Center
In the near future, the Kennedy School will be housed in the Conway Education Center, a 36,300-square-foot facility that will be located on two acres on the south side of Buchanan Street NE in the District of Columbia.

Contact Information
- 801 Buchanan St. NE, Washington, DC 20017

Students enrolled at Kennedy School by referral only. Students who complete the intake process and are appropriate for the program are placed at Kennedy by the Office of the State Superintendent of Education, which also covers a student’s tuition.
To refer a student, please have your student’s Local Education Agency (LEA) representative forward the following documents:
- Individualized Education Plan
- Evaluations: psychological, educational, speech and language, occupational therapy and/or physical exam (only evaluations performed within the last three years will be accepted)
- Other information deemed important by the referring agency.
Intake packets may be submitted via email, regular mail or fax to Dr. Cheryll James.
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