801 East Men’s Shelter
On the St. Elizabeths East campus, the 801 East Men’s Shelter is open to anyone who identifies as male age 18 years and older.

About the Program
Located in the District’s Ward 8, the shelter also includes a work bed program and beds reserved for seniors and individuals with medical needs. The program offers a hot dinner, access to housing-focused case management, showers and a bed on a nightly basis. The facility provides 396 beds.
DC Shelter Hotline shuttle service to downtown Washington is provided several times a day to assist clients in getting to and from our site.
Shelter hours are extended when special weather alerts are issued by D.C. government. The shelter serves as a hypothermia emergency shelter during the coldest months of the year, from November to March.
Contact Information
- 801 East Building, 2700 Martin Luther King Ave. SE, Washington, DC 20032
Additional Information
5 p.m. to 9 a.m. daily

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