
Meet the Enzler Society: Tommy Hughes

by bbdeveloper | February 3, 2020

This is one in a series of profiles of officers in the Enzler Society, a group of young professionals and emerging philanthropists who support the mission of Catholic Charities through volunteerism and networking.

Tommy Hughes, service chair of
the Enzler Society

  • Hometown: North Potomac, Md.
  • Occupation: Associate at real estate developer.
  • How long have you
    been involved with the Enzler Society?

    One year.
  • Why did you join? After attending several events, the Enzler Society seemed
    like a great platform to give back to the community and spend time with other
    like-minded individuals.
  • What’s your favorite
    Enzler Society activity?
    My favorite
    activity has been spending time with participants in the Youth Transitional Program (YTP).  It’s fulfilling to help participants in the
    program with the soft skills that aren’t necessarily taught in school but can
    help in landing a job.
  • Favorite Enzler
    Society memory?
    One of my favorite
    memories is the YTP Thanksgiving — being able to share a hearty meal and spend
    time with the clients goes a long way.
  • What are you
    looking forward to in 2020?
    In 2020, I’m
    looking forward to getting to know more participants in the program and helping
    them get placed in meaningful employment.

For information about joining the Enzler
Society, visit our

Previous Profiles in Service:

  • Volunteerism as a Family Tradition